The success of any product depends on understanding customer needs and providing a suitable solution to customer needs. Developing customer intimacy helps any Product management professional to understand:
Product management professionals can deepen Customer intimacy by:
Cultivating customer intimacy means understanding customers as real people by:
To the extent possible, speak to prospective customers. It may be worthwhile to conduct focus groups to understand customer pain points. This deeper understanding often shows that customers may have different needs or preferences than initially assumed. Invest time and effort in establishing personal relationships with customers by adopting the following values in their interactions: Trust, Respect, Empathy, Appreciation, Communication, and Commitment.
Empathy is the ability to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from their frame of reference. It means knowing the language of the customer and the perspectives of their world. It is not enough to build a feature within budget and within schedule. The feature must emotionally connect with customers and their experiences.
Crucial insights to build Empathy come from:
Observation elicits information through viewing and understanding activities, as well as their context. Observation is a basis for:
Engaging in observation requires alertness. It is an opportunity to witness and know the customer. Gather qualitative information from customer interactions with the product in its natural environment. Real-world use of the product enables the ability to track the sequence of activities when interacting with the product. This analysis builds on the knowledge about customer expectations for the product to be leveraged for product development.
Observations are growing in popularity for the value that is gained through the analysis of real-life scenarios. Organize hackathons, observation labs, and observation tools. Be aware of research ethics, privacy, and the need for permission for the observation activities.
Do your share your thoughts on how you have been able to understand your customer needs better.
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