Interface Analysis with Worked Out Example

2 min read
6/27/23 5:32 AM


Interface analysis is an important business analysis technique. In this blog, we will understand what interface analysis is using a real-life example using Adaptive’s GRCPerfect solution.

Before we get into interface analysis, let’s first understand the term “interface.”

What is an interface?

An interface is a connection between two components or solutions. Identify interfaces and interactions between solutions and/or solution components. Interface types are:

  1. User interfaces - Users interacting with the system plus reports.
  2. Data interfaces between systems.
  3. Application programming interfaces (APIs).
  4. Hardware devices.
  5. Business processes.
  6. External partners.

What is analysis?

Analysis involves understanding something in-depth. Analysis often involves applying the 5WH principle – Who, Why, What, When, Where, and How.

What is Interface analysis?

Interface analysis delves into understanding the details of any specific interface. Such as,

  • Why is the interface needed? Why will business analysts use the interface?
  • What information will be exchanged? When will information be exchanged?
  • How frequently? Where will information exchange occur?
  • How interface should be implemented?

Steps for Interface Analysis:

Prepare for interface analysis

Utilize techniques like document analysis, observation, scope modeling (Use case model), interviews, etc., to understand which interfaces need to be identified.

Identify interfaces

Identify interfaces that are needed in the future for each stakeholder or system that interacts with the system. Describe the function of the interface, assess usage, evaluate the suitable type, and elicit details about the interface.

Define interfaces

Include name, exchange method between entities, message format, exchange frequency, etc.


  • Helps in identifying stakeholders for elicitation.
  • Early identification leads to increased functional coverage. 
  • Interface specifications provide a structured means of allocating requirements, business rules, and constraints to the solution.
  • Avoids over-analysis of fine details owing to its broad application.


  • Does not provide insight into internal components / other aspects of the solution.

Interface Analysis Worked out Example

Through an example, let us learn how business analysts use a glossary. Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) management system is developed for the ITES and IT domain. Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) management system has various features, one of which is to plan and track programs and projects using standards such as CMMI, ISO 9001, ISO 27001, etc. Its main objective is to help companies implement Governance, Quality, and Information Security Management Systems in an integrated manner.

The proposed GRC system needs to interface with the company’s ERP system, which is Oracle Apps. The following data mapping table defines the interface between Oracle Apps and the GRC system.

Interface Name

Data to be interfaced

Frequency of update

Time of updates

Oracle Apps

Project master
Employee master

Once a day


Oracle Apps


Once in a week

Saturday - 12 PM

Attendance system

Swipe data

Once a day


Data mapping

Source system: Oracle Apps

Transformation rules

Destination: Governance, Risk, and Compliance management

Entity Name

Attribute Name


Entity Name

Attribute Name

Employee Master

Employee First Name
Employee Middle Name
Employee Last Name

Concatenate First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name
Transfer only Active employees



Employee Master

Employee Role




Employee Master

Employee Blood Group



Blood Group

Employee Master

Employee Passport

Pick the latest record



Employee Master

Employee Passport Expiry Date

Pick the latest record


Passport Expiry Date

Employee Master

Employee Status




Employee Master

House Number



House Number

Employee Master

Address 1



Address 1

Employee Master

Address 2



Address 2

Employee Master





Employee Master





Employee Master






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