The Certified Business Analysis Professional CBAP training is one of the most coveted designations for business analysts globally. Along with the reputation also comes the toiling for the CBAP certification exam. One of the common questions CBAP aspirants ask is, “What is the CBAP passing score?"
IIBA doesn't provide any specific passing score. However, one must aim to score 75% minimum in all the knowledge areas.
Since IIBA does not disclose this information, we don’t have a confirmed answer to this question.
CBAP Training is a competency-based certification based on the BABoK v3 scheme.
From the inputs received from our past CBAP participants and their experience, we know that it is safe to assume that the CBAP exam passing score is more than 70%.
Hence it's suggested to target 80 – 90% in the CBAP mock tests to be successful in the CBAP final exam.
Again there is no official data by IIBA to support this. This is based on our best estimate of the information on the CBAP exam.
Further reading
CBAP Exam Pattern
Top 10 CBAP Certification Tips
CBAP Sample Questions

Adaptive US is a world leader in CBAP Certification training. CBAP certification can provide a significant competitive advantage for professionals such as bankers to join the BA profession in countries such as Canada. Adaptive also provides BA and skills training through it’s BA Bootcamp.
CBAP certification is based on BABOK. A simplified version of BABOK is available here. You can also take a look at few CBAP sample questions here.
CBAP certification comes from IIBA. Business analyst has been rated as one of the fastest growing skills by US Department of Labor.
For more information, please visit our Free CBAP Training page.
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