CCBA V2 vs. CCBA V3 - A whole new perspective
With the launch of the v3 scheme of exams one very common question has been what is the difference between CCBA v2 and v3 version or can someone highlight CCBA v2 vs CCBA v3.
IIBA has modified the mid-level BA CCBA certification pattern, including the name.
Considering the fact that it required lesser experience than CBAP, number of CCBAs should outnumber the number of CBAPs. This is due to the simple fact that IT has a large young workforce. However, the number of CCBAs remained lower than CBAPs. Possibly the reasons were:
- The gap between experience requirement between CCBA and CBAP is not very wide (just little over 2 years) – This prompted/prompts many professionals to wait for CBAP than going in for CCBA.
- Fees for both exams are the same.
- It was tough to complete CCBA V2. This primarily happened due to the question pattern for CCBA V2 which was lot more memory intensive.
But, with the introduction of the V3 version of the examination, the scenario has changed quite substantially.
Here is a detailed comparison between CCBA V2 vs. V3
The aspects that are the same as before:
The good part is many aspects do remain the same between CCBA V2 and CCBA V3. Here are the key ones:
- Work experience requirements remain the same.
- Reference requirements remain the same.
- Fees remain same :(
- Exam mode remains same (i.e. Prometric).
- PDU requirements remain same (21 hours) :)
The aspects which have changed:
There are many significant changes in the examination content and pattern. The key ones are:
- The reference standard is changed
CCBA V3 is based on BABoK V3 whereas CCBA V2 was based on BABoK V2. BABoK V3 is significantly changed over BABoK V2. BABoK V3 has added 16 more techniques.
The number of pages of content added is almost 100% more than BABoK V2.
Given the amount of change in BABoK V3, it is essential that one goes through a workshop aligned to BABoK V3.
- Questions have changed from being a memory-based approach to a concept-based approach
Question content for CCBA V3 is vastly different from V2. Questions are now largely concept-based, rather than being memory based which was the case in CCBA V2.
CCBA V2 had 150 questions for 3.5 hours whereas CCBA V3 has 130 questions for 3 hours.
This makes it much easier now to take CCBA V3 than CCBA V2.
- Preparation effort for CCBA V3 will be lesser than CCBA V2
Given the change in question pattern, the effort needed to complete CCBA V3 will be lesser than CCBA V2.
A good number to look at will be 150 hours +/- 20 hours depending on what one should be spending on preparing for CCBA V3.
If you are looking for CCBA V3 simulators, make sure that the CCBA V3 simulator provides you with a good number of scenario based questions.
How should you go about taking up CCBA V3 examination
If you would like to undergo CCBA V3 training, my organization, Adaptive US provides CCBA V3 workshops with success guarantee.
We have been maintaining a 99% success rate for CCBA.
We provide 28 hours training for CCBA where as IIBA mandates only 21 hours. This is essential as 21 hours will be quite in-adequate given the fact that BABoK V3 is 200% of BABoK V2.
Our CCBA V3 simulator provides 1200+ questions which is a mix of scenario based and concept based questions.
Our trainers have been part of the BABoK v2 and v3 authoring team and question setting team.
Our courses are conducted online in weekends making it feasible for anyone to join from anywhere in the world.
All the classes are recorded and shared with participants to review later during preparation for the exam.
Our faculties are all practicing BAs with 25+ years of industry experience : Meet Our Expert Trainers
You also get a study handout of 300+ pages.
Take a look at the sample course material over here:
Sample Study Guide and Question Bank
- Sample Study Guide
- Sample Question Bank
- Sample e-learning
- Sample Class Video
- BABoK Terms Video
The Adaptive learning platform, SuXeed, is loaded with 1200+ questions with 6 simulations for CCBA and takes the participant through a gradual process of learning for CCBA certification with Concept questions ->Drill questions – > Simulation tests.
This process enhances learning and clarity of concepts, which ultimately helps the professional to be a better business analyst end of the day.
See a small video on the learning platform here : Using Adaptive SuXeed BA Learning Platform
The learning should be based on concepts/skills and should ultimately help anyone in their day to day job rather than only getting a certificate.
Learn with Adaptive US to be a better business analyst while getting CCBA Certified.
For more updates on courses & tips follow us on Twitter | LinkedIn | Google+
About me
I am a professional BA trainer, coach and author with Adaptive US, a leading business analysis solutions (training, consulting and product) organization.
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Happy reading and have a wonderful day and do provide your suggestions and comments.
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