Business Analyst Case Study | Free Case Study Template

5 min read
5/3/22 12:00 AM

Business analyst case studies blog describes an actual business analyst case study. This provides real-world exposure to new business analysts.

In this blog, we will be discussing what is business analysis case study, why develop them, when to develop them and how to develop them. We will provide a real business case analysis case study for better understanding.

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Let’s start with understanding what is business analysis before we go to analyst case studies.

Topics Below

  • What is a business analysis case study 

  • Why prepare business analysis case study 

  • When to prepare business analysis case study

  • How to prepare business analysis case study

  • Example Business Analysis Case Studies

What is Business Analysis Case Study?

Before we try to understand, Business Analysis Case Study, let's understand the term case study and business analysis.

As per Wikipedia, a case study is:

"A case study is an in-depth, detailed examination of a particular case (or cases) within a real-world context."

For example, case studies in medicine may focus on an individual patient or ailment; case studies in business might cover a particular firm's strategy or a broader market; similarly, case studies in politics can range from a narrow happening over time like the operations of a specific political campaign, to an enormous undertaking like, world war, or more often the policy analysis of real-world problems affecting multiple stakeholders.

So, we can define Business Analysis Case Study as

"A Business Analysis case study is an in-depth, detailed examination of a particular business analysis initiative."

What is Business Analysis?

The BABOK guide defines Business Analysis as the “Practice of enabling change in an enterprise by defining needs and recommending solutions that deliver value to stakeholders”. Business Analysis helps in finding and implementing changes needed to address key business needs, which are essentially problems and opportunities in front of the organization.

Business analysis can be performed at multiple levels, such as at:

  1. The enterprise level, analyzing the complete business, and understanding which aspects of the business require changes.
  2. The organization level, analyzing a part of the business, and understanding which aspects of the organization require changes.
  3. The process level, analyzing a specific process, understanding which aspects of the process require changes.
  4. The product level, analyzing a specific product, and understanding which aspects of the product require changes. 

Why Develop Business Analyst Case Study

Business analysis case studies can be useful for multiple purposes. One of the purpose can be to document business analysis project experiences which can be used in future by other business analysts.

This also can be used to showcase an organizations capabilities in the area of business analysis. For example, as Adaptive is a business analysis consulting organization, it develops multiple business analysis case studies which show cases the work done by Adaptive business analysts for the client. You can read one such case study for a manufacturing client.

When To Develop Business Analyst Case Study

Business analysis case studies are typically prepared after a project or initiative is completed. It is good to give a little time gap before we develop the case study because the impact of a change may take a little while after the change is implemented.

Most professionals prepare business analysis case studies for projects which are successful. But it is also important to remember that not all changes are going to be successful. There are definitely failures in an organizations project history.

It is also important to document the failure case studies because the failures can teach us about what not to do in future so that risks of failures are minimized.

How To Develop A Business Analyst Case Study

Document Business Problem / Opportunity

In this section of the business analyst case studies, we discuss the actual problem of the business case analysis example.

ABC Technologies has grown rapidly from being a tiny organization with less than 5 projects to one running 200 projects at the same time. The number of customer escalations has gone up significantly. Profitability is getting eroded over a period of time. Significant management time is spent in fire-fighting than improving the business.

Top management estimated a loss of 10% profitability due to poor management of projects which is estimated at about 10 Million USD per annum.

Document Problem / Opportunity Analysis

For our above business problem, we captured the following analysis details.

Discussions with key stakeholders revealed the following challenges in front of ABCT management:

  1. There is very little visibility of project performances to top management
  2. Non-standard project reporting by various projects makes it harder for top management to assess the correct health of the project
  3. Practically there is no practice of identifying risks and mitigating them
  4. Project practices are largely non-standardized. Few project managers do run their projects quite well because of their personal abilities, but most struggle to do so.
  5. Due to rapid growth, management has no option but to assign project management responsibilities to staff with little or no project management experience.

Document Identified Solutions 

Based on root cause analysis, management decided to initiate a project to standardize management reporting. This required the organization to implement a project management system. The organization initially short-listed 10 project management tools. After comparing the business needs, tools, their costs, management decided to go with a specific tool.

Document Implementation Plan

The purchased tool lacked integration into the organizations existing systems. The vendor and organization’s IT team developed a project plan to integrate the new system with the existing systems.

Document Performance Improvements 

After a year, the effectiveness of the project was assessed. Projects showed remarkable improvement wrt reduced customer escalations, better on-time billing, and better risk management. The system also allowed the organization to bid for larger contracts as the prospective customers demanded such a system from their suppliers. The application was further enhanced to cater to the needs of other businesses in the enterprise as they were different legal entities, and their policies were different.

Document lessons learnt

Some of the key lessons learnt during this business analysis initiative were:

1. Stakeholder buy-in in extremely important to the success of the project

2. It is always better to go with iterative approach achieve smaller milestones and then go for larger milestones

BA Case Study template

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