As business analysts, we are constantly advised to learn.
Is there anything better than books to learn business analysis?
Confucius once said, “No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.”
For a Business Analyst, reading is very essential. By reading, a BA can stay up to date with what’s happening in the world of projects from the people who know. New ways of handling current day-to-day issues or challenges can be learned.
There are many business analysis books in the market, which can be a guide to the various scenarios a BA faces in their workplace. There is a high probability that someone else has been in such a situation and has written about it. Knowing about possibilities always helps.
Here are the top 20 Business Analysis Books that have been researched from 50+ books by our team.
You can click on the book hyperlink to buy the same on Amazon.
Book Title-Author/Publisher
- Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABoK) - IIBA
This is available for free reading if you are a member of IIBA. It is an invaluable resource for CBAP Certification, CCBA Certification & ECBA Certification exams
- How to Start a Business Analyst Career - Laura Brandenburg
- Seven Steps to Mastering Business Analysis - Jamie Champagne
- Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide - PMBoK® Guide and Standards
- Business Analysis Techniques: 99 Essential Tools for Success - Debra Paul, James Cadle, and Paul Turner
- Agile and Business Analysis: Practical Guidance for IT Professionals - Debra Paul and Lynda Girvan
- Business Analysis and Leadership: Influencing Change - James Archer & Penny Pullan
- Business Analysis: Best Practices for Success - Steven Blais
- Business Analysis for Dummies - Kate McGoey, Kupe Kupersmith, and Paul Mulvey
- 3D Business Analyst - Mohamed Elgendy
- The Agile Business Analyst: Moving from Waterfall to Agile - Barbara Carkenord and Ryland Leyton
- Design Thinking Business Analysis: Business Concept Mapping Applied - Thomas Frisendal
- Business Analysis Methodology Book - Emrah Yayici
- Mastering the Requirements Process - Suzanne Robertson, James C. Robertson
- Rapid Agile Business System Analysis: Fast, Agile, Measurable Results - Trond Frantzen
- Product and Process Modelling: A Case Study Approach - Ian T. Cameron and Rafiqul Gani
- Software Requirements, 3rd Edition - Karl Wiegers and Joy Beatty
- Writing Effective Use Cases (Agile Software Development Series) - Alistair Cockburn
- IIBA Agile extension - IIBA
- A Beginner's Guide to IT Business Analysis - Adaptive US
We hope you set aside some time to read these wonderful books and be the best BA you can be!
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