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CBDA Questions with Answers and Explanations


CBDA Mock Questions (Answers after the questions section)


Q1: Analyst B uses hierarchical decomposition to break down the analytics deliverable into activities and tasks. B then adds the hours needed and can give an accurate estimate of the time needed to complete BA work. What type of estimation has B used?

  1. Delphi estimation
  2. Historic analysis
  3. Parametric estimation
  4. Bottoms-up estimation

Q2: Analyst D is engaged by a large retail organization. Analyst D’s stakeholders have asked D to define the desired outcome of the analytics project clearly. What does the desired outcome describe?

  1. Business benefits that will result from meeting the business need
  2. Solution to a business problem or opportunity
  3. Business need 
  4. Costs and benefits of implementing the solution

Q3: Analyst D is engaged with a large retail organization. T is embarking on a large analytics project and D is the Lead Analyst for the project. Among the following statements, which is the most appropriate action for D?

  1. Start working on the requirements from Day 1 so as to speed up delivery.
  2. Wait for the project manager to instruct the Business Analyst to start working on the project.
  3. Decide not to have any change control process as the project is following an agile approach.
  4. Decide on requirements management aspects before working on requirements.

Q4: Analyst F is the BA for the new customer support system. F is gathering information about the current systems and processes used in a customer support function. F is…

  1. Uncovering the current capability analysis in order to assess the capability gaps of an organization.
  2. Generating the business need from the bottom-up approach in order to define the business need.
  3. Gathering information in order to define the business case.
  4. Analyzing requirement in order to specify and model the requirements.

Q5: Analyst D is engaged by a large retail organization. Insights from the analytics project are planned to be implemented. Why should D define the business need in Identify Research Questions domain?

  1. Used as an input to determine analysis scope
  2. Used as an input to communication planning
  3. Defines the problem or opportunity faced by the analytics team
  4. Making sure the needs of the analysts are taken care of

Q6: Analyst D is engaged by a large retail organization. Stakeholder S has provided the following requirement. “The analytics system shall only support queries in the English language”. This requirement contains

  1. A complex requirement
  2. An assumption
  3. An infeasible requirement
  4. An in-valid requirement

Q7: Teleconnections is a large telecommunications company. Its top management has asked the analytics CoE to identify customers who are likely to switch. D is the analyst for the project. D is planning a feasibility phase before implementing the full project. Feasibility studies can contain ALL BUT the following

  1. Executive summary
  2. Detailed costs of developing the solution
  3. Business problem and/or opportunity statement
  4. Market research to identify viable solution options

Q8: Daily Fresh is a retail start-up. Its management is looking for insights into customer buying patterns. D would like the project requirements to be SMART. Attributes mentioned as part of SMART requirements are-

  1. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Testable
  2. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound
  3. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reliable, Time-bound
  4. Scientific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound

Q9: A financial software company has growth and expansion as one of its top strategic priorities for the year. The senior executive team wants to assess their sales performance over the last 3 years to help set the sales objectives. From the questions below, which would evaluate the team effectiveness at making a sale?

  1. What is the annual revenue growth?
  2. What is the average time for conversion?
  3. What is the number of customers retained over the past 3 years?
  4. When is the correct time to market the software?

Q10: Which aspect is emphasized about data analytics in the statement – The organization should create a culture to use data-based decision making?

  1. Business Data Analytics as a Movement
  2. Business Data Analytics as a Capability
  3. Data Analytics as a Data-centric Activity Set
  4. Business Data Analytics as a Decision-Making Paradigm

Q11: The data analyst has made the following statement – The SLA performance dropped in Q1 2019 as one support executive suddenly went on 2 weeks unannounced leave. This is an example of

  1. Prescriptive analytics
  2. Descriptive analytics
  3. Diagnostic analytics
  4. Predictive analytics

Q12: The data analyst has made the following statement – The current SLA performance can be improved from 80% to 95% by adding one extra support executive. This is an example of

  1. Prescriptive analytics
  2. Descriptive analytics
  3. Diagnostic analytics
  4. Predictive analytics

Q13: Among the following situations, which can be most appropriate for analytics?

  1. Resolving interpersonal conflicts
  2. Automate a specific task
  3. Increase employee happiness
  4. Predict sales in next quarter

Q14: Among the following aspects, which can be the least important concern for the analytics team?

  1. Budget available to implement analytics solution
  2. Availability of the best in class analytics tool
  3. Business need amenable to analytics solution
  4. Expertise available within the project team

Q15: Among the following aspects, which must be included as part of the future state?

  1. Budget available to implement an analytics solution
  2. Availability of the best-in-class analytics tool
  3. Expertise available within the project team
  4. A shared understanding of the project scope

Q16: Among the following aspects, the aspect that the analyst must be cognizant of is?

  1. Incorrect identification of the problem
  2. Define the project in a waterfall way
  3. Purchase the best analytics tool available
  4. Not bothered to explain the findings

Q17: Where TP = True Positive, i.e., Number of transactions predicted as fraud which are actually fraudulent  FP = False Positive, i.e., Number of transactions predicted as fraud but are not fraudulent TN= True Negative, i.e., Number of transactions predicted as not frauds and are not actually fraudulent   FN = False Negative, i.e., Number of transactions predicted as not fraud but are actually fraudulent Precision is defined as

  1. TP/(TP+FP)
  2. TP/(TP+FN)
  3. TN/(FP+TN)
  4. (TP+TN)/(TP+FP+TN+FN)
Q18: Where, TP = True Positive, i.e., Number of transactions predicted as fraud which are actually fraudulent  FP = False Positive, i.e., Number of transactions predicted as fraud but are not fraudulent TN= True Negative, i.e., Number of transactions predicted as not frauds and are not actually fraudulent   FN = False Negative, i.e., Number of transactions predicted as not fraud but are actually fraudulent Accuracy is defined as
  1. TP/(TP+FP)
  2. TP/(TP+FN)
  3. TN/(FP+TN)
  4. (TP+TN)/(TP+FP+TN+FN)

Q19: The data analyst has made the following statement – What are the measures the analytics team should consider for evaluating customer experience? This is an example of

  1. Prescriptive analytics
  2. Descriptive analytics
  3. Diagnostic analytics
  4. Predictive analytics

Q20: The data analyst has made the following statement – What are the factors that influence customer experience? This is an example of

  1. Prescriptive analytics
  2. Descriptive analytics
  3. Diagnostic analytics
  4. Predictive analytics

Q21: The Analytics Project Team is discussing the selection of research questions. They are considering a technique to think about a specific business or research problem from multiple perspectives, such as stakeholders, market, or customer to restate the problem in a way that is more likely to add value or to be more suitable for the analytics initiative. What technique are they considering?

  1. Problem Re framing and Shaping
  2. Root Cause Analysis
  3. Hypothesis Formulation and Testing
  4. Prototyping

Q22: The Analytics Project Team is discussing the selection of research questions. They are considering a technique to quickly understand the readily available data and insights to build intuition about the analytics problem and any contributing factors. What technique are they considering?

  1. Root Cause Analysis
  2. Exploratory Data Analysis
  3. Future State Analysis
  4. Diagnostic Analysis

Q23: The Analytics Project Team is discussing the selection of research questions. They are considering a technique to develop a premise for a particular result based on a business stakeholder or subject matter expert’s opinion which is statistically justified through the data. What technique are they considering

  1. Exploratory Data Analysis
  2. Root Cause Analysis
  3. Hypothesis Formulation and Testing
  4. Prototyping

Q24: The Analytics Team is discussing a phase in the current initiative. In this phase, they will seek to engage key stakeholders and an agile team. They will use a static, curated set of data, and there will be limited concern for governance surrounding the data. They will be investigating various solutions and potential architectures. They will communicate issues, results, etc. informally with their stakeholders. What stage of the initiative are they discussing?

  1. Prototype
  2. Proof of Concept
  3. Adaptive Production
  4. Pilot

Q25: The Analytics Team is discussing a phase in the current initiative. In this phase, they will establish connections to target data sources, and they will perform any necessary transformations on the data. The team is now cross-functional, and most of the relevant stakeholders have been engaged. A governance structure has been implemented, and more formal communication is planned. Results will be measured both qualitatively and quantitatively. What stage of the initiative are they discussing?

  1. Prototype
  2. Proof of Concept
  3. Pilot
  4. Production
CBDA eBook


Answers to Questions

Question 1

Correct Option: D. Bottoms-up estimation

Explanation: The WBS approach helps in bottom-up estimation.

Question 2

Correct Option: A. Business benefits that will result from meeting the business need

Explanation: The desired outcome refers to business benefits that will result from meeting the business need.

Question 3

Correct Option: D. Decide on requirements management aspects before working on requirements.

Explanation: Prepare before you run! BABoK V3.0 – Chapter 5 – The Requirements Life Cycle Management knowledge area describes the tasks that business analysts perform in order to manage and maintain requirements and design information from inception to retirement.

Question 4

Correct Option: A. Uncovering the current capability analysis in order to assess the capability gaps of an organization.

Explanation: F is carrying our current state analysis.

Question 5

Correct Option: A. Used as an input to determine analysis scope

Explanation: Business need is a key input to determine analysis scope

Question 6

Correct Option: B. An assumption

Explanation: An assumption about language to be used.

Question 7

Correct Option: B. Detailed costs of developing the solution

Explanation: This is not required as part of the business case.

Question 8

Correct Option: B. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound

Explanation: This is the definition of SMART

Question 9

Correct Option: B. What is the average time for conversion?

Explanation: Quick conversion is helpful for sales.

Question 10

Correct Option: A. Business Data Analytics as a Movement

Explanation: Culture building is a movement.

Question 11

Correct Option: C. Diagnostic analytics

Explanation: This shows why the performance dropped.

Question 12

Correct Option: A. Prescriptive analytics

Explanation: This shows what best can be achieved by altering input parameters.

Question 13

Correct Option: D. Predict sales in next quarter

Explanation: Shows what is likely to happen which is Predictive analytics.

Question 14

Correct Option: A. Budget available to implement analytics solution

Explanation: Checking availability of budget is not within the purview of the analytics team.

Question 15

Correct Option: D. A shared understanding of the project scope

Explanation: This is critical for future state.

Question 16

Correct Option: A. Incorrect identification of the problem

Explanation: Without proper need, we may be heading in the wrong direction.

Question 17

Correct Option: A. TP/(TP+FP)

Explanation: Definition

Question 18

Correct Option: D. (TP+TN)/(TP+FP+TN+FN)

Explanation: Definition

Question 19

Correct Option: B. Descriptive analytics

Explanation: Describes the metrics

Question 20

Correct Option: C. Diagnostic analytics

Explanation: Descriptive analytics is the interpretation of historical data to better understand changes that have occurred in a business.

Question 21

Correct Option: A. Problem Re framing and Shaping

Explanation: Problem Re-framing and Shaping is a technique which is suitable for analytics initiatives.

Question 22

Correct Option: B. Exploratory Data Analysis

Explanation: Exploratory Data Analysis does initial data analysis.

Question 23

Correct Option: C. Hypothesis Formulation and Testing

Explanation: Hypothesis Formulation and Testing tests premises made by stakeholders.

Question 24

Correct Option: C. Adaptive Production

Explanation: Proof of concepts is done to get stakeholder acceptance.

Question 25

Correct Option: C. Pilot

Explanation: Pilot is a trial run beyond proof of concept.

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