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CPOA Mock Questions (Answers after the questions section)


Q1: A healthy portfolio of products may not ensure

  1. Success of every new product launch
  2. Instilling confidence and assurance in employees
  3. Generating financial success
  4. Creating ongoing value for customers

Q2: Which of the following domain focuses on combining customer, market, and competitive analysis?

  1. Product portfolio management
  2. Product development
  3. Product marketing
  4. Product communication

Q3: The planning horizons are a framework to

  1. Shift perspective between long-term and the immediate needs of customers.
  2. Shift perspective between capital investments and operational investments.
  3. Shift perspective between business needs and customer needs.
  4. Shift perspective between business needs and supplier needs.

Q4: When creating a supportive environment for Product Owners and product teams, organizations should pay attention to?

  1. Hours of work
  2. Payroll processes
  3. Products and services aligned to strategy
  4. Time spent in office

Q5: POA Practitioners can help support high performing teams by:

  1. Keeping track of daily work items delivered
  2. Promoting and supporting the use of effective analysis practices
  3. Taking update on the work of each team member on an hourly basis
  4. Closely managing the work of each team member

Q6: For the Product Owner to maximize the value being created by the team, their roles and responsibilities should include:

  1. An advocate for customers
  2. Insist on a specific agile approach for the team
  3. Close management of the delivery team
  4. Take hourly status update from the delivery team

Q7: The Product Ownership Analysis practitioners can deepen customer intimacy by:

  1. Solely relying on social media research
  2. Being sensitive to their motivations
  3. Spending less time with customers
  4. Only relying on what customers say in focus group meeting

Q8: Product Analysis Owner professionals can increase personal knowledge through

  1. Being aware of customer motivations
  2. Observing Advertisements
  3. Using Low-cost products
  4. Studying unrelated books

Q9: Effective Product Ownership Analysis requires the team to invest in establishing personal relationships with customers by adopting the following values in their interactions:

  1. Surveys
  2. Communication
  3. Advertising
  4. Web tracking

Q10: The Scrum Master, Team Coach, or Agile Process Facilitator:

  1. Is responsible for ensuring that the delivery team works well together, amidst a positive work culture.
  2. Reads the Agile Manifesto to the team at the start of every scrum meeting.
  3. Tracks progress by each team member on an hourly basis.
  4. Keeps detailed minutes of all scrum meeting.

Answers to Questions

Question 1

Correct Option:  A. Success of every new product launch

Explanation: A healthy portfolio of products acts as a barometer of success for most organizations by: Instilling confidence and assurance in employees, generating financial success and creating ongoing value for customers. Success of each product cant be ensured as market and competition can be quite unpredictable.

Question 2

Correct Option: A. Product Portfolio Management

Explanation: Product Portfolio Management: Combine customer, market, and competitive analysis with technical innovation to discover and design product offerings that align with enterprise strategy and brand.

Question 3

Correct Option: A. Shift perspective between long-term and the immediate needs of customers.

Explanation: The planning horizons are a framework to shift perspective between long-term strategic decision-making and the immediate needs of customers.

Question 4

Correct Option: C. Products and services aligned to strategy

Explanation: Although the other 3 aspects can be useful, the most important aspect is to align products to strategy.

Question 5

Correct Option: B. Promoting and supporting the use of effective analysis practices.

Explanation: POA practitioners are proficient in analysis.

Question 6

Correct Option: A. An advocate for customers

Explanation: Product Owners must act as proxy for Customers.

Question 7

Correct Option: B. Being sensitive to their motivations

Explanation: Being sensitive to customer motivations, product owners can design better products.

Question 8

Correct Option: A. Being aware of customer motivations

Explanation: Being aware of customer motivations can be a great insight for product owners.

Question 9

Correct Option: B. Communication

Explanation: Communication with Customers is vital to the success of any product.

Question 10

Correct Option: A. Is responsible for ensuring that the delivery team works well together, amidst a positive work culture.

Explanation: Thats the primary purpose of these roles. 

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